Generally, if this is the case there is something that still needs to be added to your profile. Check your spam filter in case you have been sent a request from Admin. Otherwise, please contact the Administrator to say you have not yet received your certificate.
“N.D.” is only a term to use if you are a Naturopathic Doctor. If this is not the case, then the term is incorrect, and you should not refer to yourself as such. You must refer to yourself based on your individual qualification, for example “DipNat”, “BNatMed” or “Naturopath”. Unless you have a qualification as a Naturopathic Doctor, then it is against our Code of Conduct to use the term.
You do need a current First Aid certificate. As a professional working within the field of health having first aid as a minimum is required by NMHNZ. While we are currently undergoing a pandemic, and there are government mandates, this will not always be the case and continuing to uphold high standards for practice is import.
No, Non-Practicing members don’t need a current First Aid certificate or to collect CPE, but they may not be consulting, teaching or practicing in any capacity. If using your naturopathic knowledge for any part of your role an upgrade to Professional Membership is necessary.
If you are using your skill as a naturopath is any job capacity at all, you should hold Professional Membership. Examples of roles where Professional Membership is required:
- Health Store retail staff
- Sales Rep for a Supplement company
- Technical Support for a Supplement company
- Working as a tutor for a Naturopathic education Institute
Online consultations with clients are covered if you have indemnity insurance with Aon through NMHNZ if the consultations are within NZ only. Mass communications, blogs, or related online content through social media channels will not be covered.
While seeing clients associated with your study to become a Naturopath & Medical Herbalist, students should be covered by their Education Institute. Indemnity insurance is available at a discounted rate when you become a Professional Member after graduation. Insurance is not available if you are practising overseas, or by zoom if your client is in a foreign country.
These can be viewed when you are logged on. If you are not a member our CPE allocation points information sheet is available from the Administrator on request.
Monitoring Continuing Education (CPE) is on an honour system though you may be audited by our CPE team. NMHNZ expect you to acquire 60 points every 2 years, and to keep a record of those points for five years. The CPE Points Form can be found on our website under the following link:
http://naturopath.org.nz/about/continuing-education-points-cpe/ We will be monitoring this with random auditing.
In order to show up, your membership must be current and your profile must be accurate and made public. Please log in to your profile details and check your address fields are correct. Main issues tend to be how you have set up the region and town where you live. There is an indication of whether you want your profile made public, this should be set to public and not private. If this is set to private, it is a good idea to check there is nothing missing on the profile, and no email in your spam filter from the administrator, as occasionally profiles are made private if there is missing information. If you have put two suburbs or cities in the one field, neither will be searchable.
If you are wanting to upgrade from student to full professional member please contact the Administrator first as you may be eligible for a free membership.
It is best to contact the Administrator before changing your membership to another online to ensure that all attachments can be saved first and that you are eligible to change to the membership you want. This can be a simple matter of logging in and using the option to upgrade/change membership type if your membership has expired. If you still have time before your current membership type expires, then please contact the Administrator so that we can work out the payment difference as you will not be able to upgrade with membership time left.
- Ensure the file is less than 1mb (or 1000 kilobytes in size), a jpeg, pdf or png file type.
- If you are unable to complete the process using these steps, try renewing again using a different browser.
- Clear your cache.
- If the issue is with logging on, please refer to ‘Trouble logging on’
- If you receive an error message, or are still unable to complete the renewal, please contact the Administrator with the following information:
- a description of the issue
- a screenshot of the place in the process where you could not continue, or any error messages
- the browser you were using
- the device you were using
- Ensure you are logged on (on full screen).
- If the issue is with logging in, follow the steps above.
- Try registering again using a different browser.
- Clear your cache.
- You don’t need to upload your qualifications or First Aid, unless the one on file is not current, in the case the file size must be under 1mb.
- If you receive an error message, or are still unable to complete the renewal, please contact the Administrator with the following information:
- a description of the issue
- a screenshot of the place in the process where you could not continue, or any error messages
- the browser you were using
- the device you were using
- To renew your membership please follow these steps:
- Log in to your membership account (you must have full screen on your computer): https://naturopath.org.nz
- From the “My Account” dropdown, select “Renew or Update Membership”
- Complete the details in full and follow the instructions.
- There is a payment prompt as part of the process.
To complete the process, you will need a visa debit / credit card. Required fields include your contact and practice details. You can choose to hide your address.
You will also need a profile picture, image of your qualifications, and your current First Aid certificate. These files must be less than 1mb (or 1000 kilobytes in size), a jpeg, pdf or png file type.
- If you are unable to complete the process using these steps, try renewing again using a different browser.
- Clear your cache.
- If the issue is with logging on, please refer to ‘Trouble logging on’
- If you receive an error message, or are still unable to complete the renewal, please contact the Administrator with the following information:
- a description of the issue
- a screenshot of the place in the process where you could not continue, or any error messages
- the browser you were using
- the device you were using
- Your computer must be on ‘full screen’
- Try using your email address for your username.
- If your password is not working, try resetting it.
- If you get your password wrong repeatedly, your IP address might be blocked because our security protects against someone trying to guess a password. Try again on your mobile using mobile data rather than WIFI, which is a different IP address, or try logging on again using a different browser.
- Clear your cache.
- Failing these options, please contact the Administrator with the following information:
- a description of the issue
- a screenshot of the place in the process where you could not continue, or any error messages
- the browser you were using
- the device you were using
It takes around 5 minutes for WordPress to cycle through changes so if you check after that you will usually be able to see the certificate. If you still can’t, try clearing your cache and then checking again.
To complete the registration form you will need:
- A visa debit / credit card
- A scan or photo of your Naturopathy Qualification(.png, .jpg, .pdf, .doc, under 1mb/1000kb). Being a naturopath is a requirement for joining.
- A scan or photo of your other qualifications (.png, .jpg, .pdf, .doc, under 1mb/1000kb).
- A scan or photo of your First Aid Certificate (.png, .jpg, .pdf, .doc, under 1mb/1000kb).
You should also include:
- A profile photo (jpg or png file, under 1mb/1000kb)
- A practice banner or photo
- If you have a NZ qualification, you do not need to list your overseas qualifications.
- A write up so that when potential clients go to the Find a Naturopath page, they are inspired to seek your help!
The Amnesty process is now to assess those who have qualified in Naturopathy longer than two years ago. or who have overseas qualifications.
You have control of your profile and may change details such as your picture and bio at any time. We ask that you keep contact details accurate and ensure we always have a way of contacting you by email and phone, and that you ensure your naturopathy qualifications and current First Aid certificate stay attached. You can make changes to your profile yourself such as changing your email or postal address, or uploading a new first aid certificate by logging into your account, going into ‘My Account’ on the website (naturopath.org.nz) and then into ‘Update Profile. From here, make the changes to the fields you want to. If you want to re-upload certificates you will need to click on the small red x in the circle next to that field first. Any file you upload must be under 1mb
To directly register with NMHNZ you will need a Bachelor’s Degree or higher in Naturopathy from a New Zealand college received within the last two years. A qualification in Herbal Medicine only, is not enough to apply. For for those who have been a member of another Naturopathy organisation within the last two years you may be eligible for direct entry, please contact the Administrator to check. If you have experience as a Naturopath, have qualified longer than two years ago, or have qualifications from an overseas institution that you believe is the equivalent to a Bachelor’s Degree or higher in Naturopathy from a New Zealand College, please contact the Administrator to discuss having your qualifications, experience and continuing education assessed (incurring a one-off cost of $100) for indirect entry into NMHNZ.
We require a current first aid certificate also, but there is an exemption for those who hold a first aid certificate that has expired within the last 6 month if we are in the red setting of the traffic light system.