

Barbara Dawson

I am degree qualified Naturopath and Medical Herbalist and, as an experienced naturopathic practitioner, I provide a warm, friendly environment for you and am committed to providing an excellent standard of care. I draw on nutritional medicine (dietary, herbal, supplemental), lifestyle improvements, education and support, as my tools of practice. I also value functional medicine, (blood, urine, saliva, hair testing, stool, genetic testing) where appropriate. I work with a wide range of health conditions and have a special interest in optimising digestive function due to the significant benefits to health. I am an accredited G.E.M.M. (Gut Ecology & Immune Modulation) Clinician and Fitgenes Practitioner. If you would like to work with me, contact me at The Herbary, 214 King Street, Pukekohe, Auckland.


Full Name Barbara Dawson
Member Since 2023-07-03 10:55:49


Practice Name The Herbary
Practice Address 214 King Street, PUKEKOHE, PUKEKOHE
Practice Phone +6421672507
Practice Website