

Charlotte Verstappen

I’m a qualified naturopath and entrepreneur, working towards values of inclusivity and creativity. I work with people who have struggled with food sensitivities or restrictions, disordered eating, and anxiety or body image issues. I consult with clients to clarify their health goals, and we provide education, tools (such as recipes, supplements, herbal remedies, workshops and lifestyle advice) and support to help them overcome the barriers to achieving those goals. When you feel like your world is becoming narrower with all of the restrictions and pressures you face, I can help you to peel away those barriers and create new possibilities and space for choice.


Full Name Charlotte Verstappen
Member Since 2023-07-03 10:55:30


Practice Name Charlie Mia Connective
Practice Address 15 Survila Street, Takanini, Takanini
Practice Phone +64275552901
Practice Website Https://